Defence interests:
Article 84 of the Euratom
Treaty provides that the safeguards may not extend to materials intended to
meet defence requirements which are in the course of being specially processed
for this purpose or which, after being so processed, are, in accordance with an
operational plan, placed or stored in a military establishment. This provision
must be read in conjunction with Chapter VI (Specific provisions applicable on
the territory of nuclear-weapon States) of Regulation No. 302/2005 of February 8,
2005 relating to the application of Euratom safeguards.
Steadily, the European
Commission has never sought to extend the application of the provisions of the
Euratom Treaty to the field of defence.
Nuclear security:
The Euratom Treaty does not
contain any provision on physical protection, the fight against sabotage and
malicious intent, or intervention in the field of nuclear security. These
domains are particularly confidential and do not lend themselves to community
treatment. They are not apprehended by the Euratom Treaty and come under the sovereignty
of the Member States.