Comité Technique
Euratom (CTE), or more precisely its ancestor CTI, standing for “comité
technique interministériel pour l’Euratom », was created in 1958 with the
Euratom Treaty.
Renamed CTE
in 2005, this committee, placed under the Prime Minister authority, has been in
charge since its creation of following up all matters related to the
implementation of the Euratom Treaty in France.
CTE is also
currently the French authority for Nuclear Safeguards implementation in France,
i.e. Euratom and IAEA Safeguards respectively applied by the European Commission and by the International
Atomic Energy Agency.
Over time,
CTE was assigned with other missions linked with international commitments
taken by France in the nuclear field and Government-to-Government assurances.
As a national duty, CTE is one of the stakeholders in charge of the supervision
of nuclear material transfers between civil and defence fields in
full compliance with French international commitments.
The Prime
Minister Decree n° 2011-607 dated 30 May 2011 specifies current CTE missions
and provides that the French Alternatives and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is
in charge of ensuring CTE secretariat, as it has been the case since 1958.
[1] Can only apply to materials
intended to meet defence requirements (Euratom treaty article 84) and without
any peaceful use’s obligation.