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Follow up of the application of Euratom treaty implementation

CTE coordinates and prepares French positions in support of the Secrétariat Général des Affaires Européennes (SGAE), and makes sure that the concerned French authorities and entities comply with the Euratom Treaty.

Published on 3 May 2022

​The support mission to SGAE and the follow up of the Euratom treaty operational implementation with the participation to the EU technical working groups are the very sources of CTE creation. Its action deals with as diverse fields as nuclear research, nuclear material and fuel supply, health protection (waste safety and management included), investments or external relations.

As a technical support to SGAE, CTE is in charge of the investigation of files related to “Euratom files” proposals.

CTE investigates every files to be discussed within the Atomic Questions Group (WPAQ) or the Research (Atomic Questions) Group (RWPAQ) related to the Euratom framework. This concerns all legally binding texts such as draft directives, draft regulations, draft Euratom/third states agreements or other non-binding Commission or Council’s proposals such as recommendations, communications or conclusions.

To fulfil its mission, CTE can rely on French expertise in ministries and administrations or among nuclear operators and it transmits the result of its investigation to SGAE which organises the interministerial validation process.

CTE participates in WPAQ and RWPAQ meetings.

CTE is in charge of monitoring the work carried out in European Commission experts groups which are reflecting on files related to the Euratom treaty, likely to be thereafter examined by the European Council.

It regularly organises meetings with these experts so that the latter are informed of France’s positions on these matters. It informs SGAE of difficulties met during this mission. Experts groups currently followed by CTE, as a regular or alternate member, are the INSC Committee (Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation), the NuBaFa (Nuclear Backend Financial Aspects expert group), the NDAP (Nuclear Decommissioning Assistance Program) Committee and the articles 35 and 36 experts group.

In the field of nuclear research, CTE is a member of the Fission Work Programme Committee and is the National Contact Point for Euratom.