1. Follow up of the Euratom Treaty implementation
CTE coordinates
and prepares French positions in support of the Secrétariat Général des Affaires
Européennes (SGAE), and makes sure that the concerned French authorities and
entities comply with the Euratom Treaty.
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2. Authority for Euratom and IAEA Safeguards implementation in France (international Nuclear Safeguards)
CTE is also the French authority for Nuclear Safeguards in charge of the follow up of the implementation of international safeguards on nuclear material (and related items) applied in France by the European Commission inspectors pursuant to Euratom Treaty chapter VII (Euratom safeguards), and by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) inspectors pursuant to the Agreement between France, the Euratom Community and the IAEA for the application of safeguards in France and to its additional protocol.
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